Sally Cloke Counselling

Individual & Couples Counsellor & Clinical Supervisor in Ashford, Kent

If you are feeling suicidal or in crisis, it’s important to talk to someone. Please reach out; you don’t have to struggle with your feelings alone.

  • Call NHS 111 on your phone; it is free. This line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Call the Samaritans on 116 123. They provide a free 24-hour telephone service for everyone and for whatever you are going through.
  • Contact your GP

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Papyrus – prevention of young suicide HOPELINE247

Childline – for children and young people under 19

  • Call 0800 1111 – the number will not appear on your phone bill.

SOS Silence of Suicide – for everyone

  • Please contact your family or friends about what's going on for you. They may be able to offer support and help keep you safe.

If your situation is life-threatening or you have seriously harmed yourself.

  • You can go to any hospital A&E department and ask for help.
  • If you need an ambulance, call 999.
  • You can also walk into Police stations and ask for help.

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